Teeth grinding results in the overuse of muscles, most commonly the masseter muscle which is used to clench your teeth together. This can result in the physical symptoms of headaches, jaw pain and believe it or not a “widened jaw” appearance.

The use of toxin in this area will weaken the muscle, reducing those physical symptoms as well as improving your overall facial contour.




  • With most toxin injections the minor side effects include, bruising, swelling and redness. Specific to teeth grinding there are a few rare cases to be aware of. Sometimes after injection into the masseter muscle there may be a “bulge” after injection, this is normally treated with a top up after 4 weeks to ensure both parts of the muscle, superficial and deep have been fully dosed.

    Another rare side effect is that the toxin is inserted into nearby muscles, there are other muscles nearby the masseter muscle and if this occurs to the risorius muscle this can have a minor affect to the appearance of your smile.

    Of course if there are any concerns following a procedure please contact your practitioner.

    The suitability of the procedure to clients will be assessed during a consultation.

  • Do not consume Alcohol.

    Avoid taking Aspirin/iBuprofen

    Avoid heavy exercise for 24 hours after treatment

    Avoid makeup application after the procedure to minimise risk of infection

    These activities will each increase your risk of bruising.

I reached out to Dr Maria in search for treatment for grinding my teeth at night… Within minutes the doctor put me at ease and explained the best treatment… She kept in contact after treatment and made sure there was no issues. Incredibly professional and definitely has a wealth of experience in her field.

— Client Feedback